We are pleased to announce the first of our USB books Early Jottings of the Upper Page and Isis River Districts. Written in the late 1980s by J. E. (Betty) Haydon, Reg White and Mick Greer, the book outlines the history of the region from the early pioneers in the 1800s. Covering the early settlements of the Pages and Isis Rivers and Warlands Creek, the book embraces Blandford, Haydonton, and the development of Scott's Creek. This is an excellent tome written by the people who lived there. The book is a first in adaptation of the printed tomes into digital form with additional photographs — Copies at $25 plus postage can be ordered by ringing secretary Jenny Loasby on 0418647176. Happy reading.

The occasional Oz Day

It gets very sad when the celebration of our most important national day relies on numbers and the amount of cash the local government has to spare.

History and ceremony is relegated to the backburner as council commercialises a national event into something gifted on a rotational basis.

The villages under the Upper Hunter Shire Council are regulated to having an Australia Day ceremony once every three years as the day is rotated between Scone, Murrurundi and Aberdeen.

Murrurundi was ordained to celebration for the reunion in 2024; Aberdeen will hold the ceremony in 2025 and Scone in 2026 and Murrurundi in 2027.

It beggars belief that such an important celebration would be held on a rotational basis. The thought process with its conclusion is mystifying in the extreme.

It puts Australia’s most important day on a roster basis and says very little for the integrity of the council’s councilors and their perspicacity of understanding of their constituents and their attitude.

The fact the council has a problem with its finances hamstringing the event’s costs belies the aggregated management of its affairs to have to regulate Australia’s most important historic event to a sideshow mentality.

The condescending opening of the local pool for the day does little to remind people of their heritage and heads more into the realms of wokeness than accommodation of the country’s history. .

 Name: Australia Day

 Editor: Des Dugan

 Date: 19/1/2025

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The above society is both a museum and historical society and subscribes to the International Council of Museums dictum. A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. It operates and communicates ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing. This website is sponsored by the Murrurundi Pioneer Cottage and compiled by Des Dugan, © Email address © Phone: Jenny on 0418 647 176 or: Des on 0418 211 404.